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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Lincoln Memorial Steps

It was a nice crisp Jan afternoon, and after nap we loaded the kids in the burley, and took a bike ride down to the Lincoln Memorial to let the kids frolic on the steps.
Brother and Sister... just hanging out!


I don't recall planning to dress Magnus in all blue, and Maliah in all pink... but nonetheless you can definately tell who is the boy and who is the girl!  :)

Notice the constuction on the reflecting pool between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Momument. It is scheduled to be finished Spring 2012. We hope so, but will see! The main goal of the upgrade is to install a filtration system, with water piped in from the tidal basin, and eliminate stagnant water the collects debris and bird droppings, which is especially not pleasant in the summer heat and humidity.

The Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool constructed in 1922 and 1923, following the dedication of the Lincoln Memorial. The reflecting pool is approximately 2,029 feet (618 m) long (over a third of a mile) and 167 feet (51 m) wide. It has a depth of approximately 18 inches (46 cm) on the sides and 30 inches (76 cm) in the center. It holds approximately 6,750,000 U.S. gallons (25,500,000 L) of water.

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