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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Lincoln Memorial Steps

It was a nice crisp Jan afternoon, and after nap we loaded the kids in the burley, and took a bike ride down to the Lincoln Memorial to let the kids frolic on the steps.
Brother and Sister... just hanging out!


I don't recall planning to dress Magnus in all blue, and Maliah in all pink... but nonetheless you can definately tell who is the boy and who is the girl!  :)

Notice the constuction on the reflecting pool between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Momument. It is scheduled to be finished Spring 2012. We hope so, but will see! The main goal of the upgrade is to install a filtration system, with water piped in from the tidal basin, and eliminate stagnant water the collects debris and bird droppings, which is especially not pleasant in the summer heat and humidity.

The Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool constructed in 1922 and 1923, following the dedication of the Lincoln Memorial. The reflecting pool is approximately 2,029 feet (618 m) long (over a third of a mile) and 167 feet (51 m) wide. It has a depth of approximately 18 inches (46 cm) on the sides and 30 inches (76 cm) in the center. It holds approximately 6,750,000 U.S. gallons (25,500,000 L) of water.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Magnus Up-Close

Magnus was in the mood for photos....

Magnus' Bed

The kids naped for a whopping 3 hours today... and both at the same time.  It was glorious!  Dad helped put Magnus down for his nap, and apparently Dad was a little tired too.
Do you think Dad fits in Magnus' bed?
Dad will be happy when Magnus transitions into a twin-sized bed!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Maliah Play Time

We took the kids to a Saturday morning show at the National Theater in downtown DC featuring a Revision Dance Collaborative.  After the show and lunch, we headed back home and the kids fell asleep in the car.  We successfully transition Maliah to her crib for naptime, but weren't so successful with Magnus.  Finally, two hours later, Magnus went down for his nap... and Maliah was up from her nap!

Though this meant no break for Mom and Dad, it also meant some relaxed play time for Maliah.  She didn't have to worry about being side-swiped by her brother, or having to swap out toys with him, or any other disruptions.  I captured three quick clips of her playing.

Maliah telling Momma what sounds animals make and doing the sign for them as well... her lion roar is ADORABLE!

Maliah reading a book. She LOVES to read books.  She does the sign for book (hands together like you are praying and then open them like a book), and says 'boah.. boah,' for book.  She will grab a book, give it to you and turn around and stand in front of you, waiting for you to put her on your lap to read the book to her.

Maliah showing how she can make the train whistle work...sort of. Once again a very ADORABLE video.

Maliah Up-Close

Potty Time

Maliah must think that 'potty time' is actually 'party time,' becuase she always wants to go into the bathroom with her brother.

Monday, January 9, 2012

First Snow

In the afternoon, while we were at work and the kids at daycare, the snow started to fall.  When picking up the kids at daycare they were both in a bit of a grumpy mood.  And I was late getting to daycare because of an accident on the snowy roads.  But as soon as they both got outside and saw the snow on the ground and it falling from the sky, they were taken to another world... one where they weren't so upset any more.  They were mesmerized by the fluffy white snow.  For Magnus, though, that happy world ended rather quickly when he realized playing in the snow gets his pants wet and cold!  Nonetheless we made it home without too much drama, and after dinner we ventured out to play in the snow!
Let's go play in the snow!

Maliah 1st snowball aimed right at her big brother

Monster Trucks like the snow too
 Magnus enjoyed making tracks through the snow
He was a bit surprised by the lumps of snow that fell from the trees onto his head. Maliah on the other hand, took it all in stride, and loved every minute of it... and repeated 'burr' back to me!  Towards the end though, she hesitated when about to pick up another pile of snow.  She was probably saying 'burr,' to herself!

That snow makes my hand cold! BuURRR!

Magnus had seen snow twice before, at 10-months and just before turning 2, both while visiting his Hummel Grandparents in Missouri over Christmas.  This was Maliah's first experience with snow!  Both of them were surprised how cold the snow makes you.  My poor little Florida babies will have a long winter full of lessons about being cold.  We had a great time frolicking and making tracks in the snow.  But in the end Magnus came in crying because his hands were cold.  He was quickly stripped down to be thrown into the shower.  At which, he promptly belted out a few cords of 'here comes a naked boy,' and all was well again.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The National Mall

National Mall (Capital lit up in background)
We enjoyed the unseasonably warm weather of the 1st weekend of the new year, by taking an outing to the National Mall.  We took the Bus and the Metro from our house to downtown DC.  Magnus enjoyed that immensely, probably more than he enjoyed looking at the trains and trucks at the Smithsonian American History Museum.

Then Magnus and Maliah loved running a muck in the some-what grassy fields of the National Mall, and watching all the passer-byes walking, running and riding along the sidewalks.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Maliah's 1st Birthday

"I'm the birthday girl!"
Maliah had a great 1st birthday.  After having a 102-103 fever for three days prior, but luckily with no other side effects of feeling under the weather, the morning of her party, she woke up fever free.  She really wanted to have her cake and eat it too.

Let's eat cake!!!!

Mom, I will blow out the candle when I want to!

I got some frosting on my finger.

Maliah, being the lady that she is, just wouldn't 'dig' into her cake until she had a proper utensil.

Dad always seems to sneak in to get some 'first' birthday cake from the kids.  Just like at Magnus' 1st birthday (see old picture from Feb 2010), he took some nibbles from Maliah's 1st birthday cake.
Magnus sharing with Dad

Maliah sharing with Dad

Yeah....I am ONE!!!!
Enjoying her second helping

The older boys taking a break after the cake

Maliah unwrapping Granny Jo's gift to her.

Magnus showing the kids how Maliah's new toy works.
Shanye practicing on the drum he gave Maliah.

Liam helping Maliah unwrap the gift he got her (the pink tutu)!

Michael watching Maliah enjoy the gift he gave her
(It is interesting how Maliah invited guests that only had sons, no daughters... that girl is smart for a 1-year old)

There is a tradition in Korean culture, that on the child's first birthday they do a ritual that predicts their future.  The child is placed in front of several objects, the object that the child picks determines their destiny;
      Book = Great Scholar
      Ruler = Good with Hands
      Money = Rich
      Thread = Long Life
      Knife = Good Chef
      Bow & Arrow (we substituted in a sword) = Strong
We decided to do the ritual at Maliah's party, but she refused to pick anything!  She just looked at the objects.  A few times she almost picked something, but then just walked away.  It was as if she was telling us she doesn't want to be pinned down to some pre-determined destiny... she wants to just live life.

Nonetheless, after the crowd was gone we gave it a try again.  And she picked..... the ruler.  Then.... promptly put it down, and picked up the money!  She wants to be good with her hands, but all in all she just wants to be rich.  That's my girl!
Picking the Ruler
On 2nd thought, drop the ruler and go for the money!
Magnus... still playing with Maliah's presents