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Wednesday, October 31, 2012


_DSC0146 (414x640) This year we all dressed up as Spider Family.  :) 

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This SpiderMan needs a little help climbing
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Enought time had lapsed from last year that Magnus' fears of the scary house were gone, and he eagerly ran up to the 'scary house' to get his candy. But the next thing you know he was crying... ends up he twisted his ankle. Okay maybe next year Magnus will come away unscathed from the scary house!

This year Maliah was old enough to get the hang of Trick-or-Treating.  She was happy to get more stuff for her pumpkin pail, but I don't think she realized that all that stuff was yummy candy. 
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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Fall Leaves

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There's a leaf stuck to my tongue
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While Mom and Dad were out running the Marine Corps Marathon, Uncle Grant and Aunt Sarah played with Magnus and Maliah in the backyard with all the fall leaves!  FUN!


The Marine Corps Marathon (MCM) is held annually in Arlington, VA and DC.  Snce that is right where we live, this year we decided to run the 37th Marine Corps Marathon on October 28, 2012. 

The race typically occurs on the final Sunday in October, a few weeks before the United States Marine Corps birthday on November 10.  The MCM was established in 1976 and is currently the fifth largest marathon in the United States and the ninth largest in the world. The race field of 30,000 is composed of runners from all 50 states and the District of Columbia and more than 50 countries. The MCM is known as "The People's Marathon" because it is open to all runners ages 14 and above and is the largest marathon that does not offer prize money.

I had a goal of under 4 hrs, to beat her last marathon time of 4:08 (but that was part of an Ironman, so that marathon was preceded by 7 hrs for swimming and biking).  Due to an injury and another upcoming athletc event Dylan took the marathon easy and ran with me (ah.. sweet.. though we did not run with our hands held together like another couple that we passed that had "In Love" written on thier shirts).  I ended up with a time of 4:01.  WHAT!  Really... I couldn't find one minute over a 4 hr period to shave off a minute!  I had some health concerns that didn't allow me to start training until about 6 weeks prior to the race, but still... one minute!  So now  the goal of a sub 4:00 marathon is looming out there on my bucket list!


Saturday, October 27, 2012


The weekend before Halloween Aunt Sarah and uncle Grant visited.  One of our activities for the weekend was making Jack-O-Lanterns. 
IMG_20121027_183919Aunt Sarah did not know of “Angry Birds’, nonetheless she made a really good angry bird Jack-O-Lantern.  The Yellow Bird, aka Chuck… Picks up speed and distance when tapped.
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The Yellow Bird, aka Chuck
(Picks up speed and distance when tapped)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Happy Birthday

IMG_20121007_202339-1We put the kids to bed and had a friend come over to stand guard while we went out for a birthday dinner.  It was scrumptious!

Then the next day, my actually birthday, we celebrated with the kids.